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Jeffrey Goodman

Resurrection Sunday!

A Wonderful Day of Resurrection

The proper preface for the Holy Communion for the Sundays after Pentecost goes this way, “It is indeed right and salutary that we should at all times and in all places, offer thanks and praise to you, O Lord, holy Father, through Christ our Lord; who on this day overcame death and the grave, and by his glorious resurrection opened to us the way of everlasting life. And so, with the Church on earth and the hosts of heaven we praise

your name and join their unending hymn:...” It’s a picture of heaven! We gather on the first day of the week because this is the day of resurrection. It is the day of victory. Consequently, then every Sunday is a little Easter celebration. Well, we had one this past Sunday. At the start of the Divine Service we welcomed new members to our parish! This is always an exciting thing! We are excited for our new members to join us in our urgent mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Ephrata and to the world.

Then at the Holy Communion we welcomed a young lass to her first Holy Communion. As a pastor this is one of the joys. I baptized this little girl and now having been through first Communion instruction she now joins us at the Lord’s Supper. We prayed for her and her family. We gave thanks to the good Lord for bringing her to us and forming her in the Faith. At the Distribution of the Sacrament she came forward and knelt to receive the body and blood of Jesus saying “Amen” after each distribution perfectly. After the service we all stood before the Altar of our Lord and posed for pictures with joyous and happy faces! Mother and Father and Grandparents were so proud! This is as Kenny Chesney sings, “The Good Stuff.”

After the Divine Service, in which we also welcomed a large family and their friends from Florida who were in the area to see a show at Sight and Sound Theaters, we gathered for a time of fellowship. It was one of those wonderful Resurrection Sunday one does not soon forget. We will do it all over again next Sunday (God willing!). See you at the Sunday Divine Service, the Resurrection Day!

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