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Jeffrey Goodman

What a weekend!

This past weekend of 29 and 30 October was certainly busy for Salem Church. On Saturday volunteers arrived at 8:00 AM to make 200 lunches.

The Christian Education Committee worked hard in the previous days to purchase supplies. Most of the supplies were donated by an anonymous donor, who is not a member of Salem Church. Members of the Christian Education Committee arrived at 7:00 AM to set up tables and lay out the supplies. By 8:45 the task was completed.

At 10:30 AM all of the lunches were packed up into two vehicles and were taken to City Gate located on East Main Street in Ephrata. At 11:00 AM people were already lining up. Over all nearly 185 lunches were served with the remaining lunches left for distribution during the week by City Gate volunteers.

Thanks to all of the volunteers, donors and our friends at City Gate for giving us the opportunity to minister to our neighbors in Ephrata.

The following day on Sunday 30 October 2022 we celebrated Reformation Sunday. This peculiar Lutheran day on the calendar is a celebration of the unconditional Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of salvation for all. Our choir under the leadership Jame Kimmel sang a Reformation inspired anthem, we heard the Gospel preached, we dedicated a new processional cross and we received our Lord's flesh and blood for the forgiveness of all our sins at the Altar. You can watch it here.

On Sunday evening we re-gathered for "Trick or Treat in the Hallways" hosted by our Fellowship Committee. We had a wonderful time laughing and having fellowship with our neighbors, friends and pre-school families.

The Lord has brought so many wonderful things to our parish recently. We see the hand of our Lord working in and among our community of Faith and we are grateful for this. We are also excited about some new things coming to us in 2023. In all things we seek to glorify Jesus, our Saviour. He has drawn us together. He serves us still with the forgiveness of sins and the sure and certain hope resurrection. We want others to know this too. What a wonderful time to be the church of Jesus Christ here in Ephrata! Thanks be to God.

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